Rescue and Wildlife Rehabilitation
The following are various non-profit organizations that we support.
Click on the logos, images and green text below to visit our recommended resources.

Wildlife Rehabilitation Facilities List

Wildlife Rehabilitation in Petaluma! Helping sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife! Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue is dedicated to: the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife; and the promotion, understanding, appreciation, protection and conservation of wildlife through both our Educational Outreach Programs and our advocacy efforts.
Bird Rescue Center of Sonoma County
The Bird Rescue Center is a rehabilitation center for Sonoma County’s wild native birds. Our mission is to assist in the rescue, treatment and release of injured, orphaned or ill birds in the northern San Francisco Bay Area, and to educate the public regarding their ecological importance.
Native Songbird Care and Conservation
Each year, our experienced volunteer staff cares for over 1,000 songbirds brought to us from all areas of Sonoma County and beyond. From mockingbirds and robins to blackbirds and chickadees, we care for over 50 different species annually. We specialize in the care of insectivores such as swallows, swifts and flycatchers. Songbirds are a diverse group of species that require a high level of specialized and well-managed care.

Call 707.207.0380 ext. 110
Everyday: 8am-5pm
Serving the northwest corner of California
Over 1200 injured wild animals per year are treated directly, and we address many more situations over the phone.
Whether a Hummingbird who’s collided with a window, a Raccoon hit by a car, or a Barn Owl poisoned by rodenticide, most of the cases we treat are the result of unfortunate interactions with human activity or infrastructure.
Found an Injured Wild Animal? Call us immediately at 707-822-8839
Do not place yourself in danger.
The Marine Mammal Center's rescue range extends along 600 miles of central and northern California coastline from San Luis Obispo through Mendocino counties.
To facilitate our mission of rescuing and rehabilitating marine mammals, we have field offices located in San Luis Obispo, Monterey, and Mendocino counties. We rely heavily on volunteers living in each part of our range to assess stranded animals, rescue them if necessary, provide triage and emergency care, and transport the animals using a relay system to our full-service veterinary hospital in Sausalito. At our hospital, other volunteers work in partnership with veterinary staff to rehabilitate the animals. All volunteers are welcome to participate in releases.
If their experience tells them they can expect to find food where humans live, with no resistance from those humans, then look for food they will.
If instead they realize that people will defend their ‘food caches and dens’ and not allow the bears to feel welcome, they will not bother us.
When a person is fearful and runs from a bear (something one should never do) by retreating inside he is telling the animal “You are welcome here…I am not going to defend my territory.”
Too many bears now believe they can roam neighborhoods and even come into houses as this is what they have been told by humans reacting inappropriately during bear encounters, which often results in the death of a bear. Help us change that.
NorCalBats is dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of bats throughout Northern California. In addition, we are committed to public education regarding the environmental benefits of bats and dispelling fears and myths that lead to the death of roosts and colonies.
The National Wildlife Rehabilitator's Association
The National Wildlife Rehabilitator's Association (NWRA) is dedicated to improving and promoting the profession of wildlife rehabilitation and its contributions to preserving natural ecosystems.
IWRC is education and resources
for wildlife conservation worldwide.
There are many ways to "preserve and protect wildlife and habitat." The founders of IWRC chose to preserve and protect through the support of wildlife rehabilitation.
Wildlife rehabilitation is the act of providing temporary care for injured, sick or orphaned wildlife with the goal of releasing them back into the wild. By providing unique insights into issues affecting wildlife populations, species and habitats, wildlife rehabilitation contributes to wildlife conservation and protection worldwide.