The following are various non-profit organizations that we support.
Click on the logos, images and green text below to visit our recommended resources.
Project Wild: Fostering responsible action towards wildlife and natural resources.
From the tiny minnow to the majestic grizzly, wildlife and humans are integrally connected. Project WILD links students and wildlife through its mission to provide wildlife-based conservation and environmental education that fosters responsible actions toward wildlife and related natural resources. Through the use of balanced curriculum materials and professional training workshops, Project WILD accomplishes its goal of developing awareness, knowledge, skills, and commitment. This results in the making of informed decisions, responsible behavior, and constructive action concerning wildlife and the environment.
IWRC is education and resources
for wildlife conservation worldwide.
There are many ways to "preserve and protect wildlife and habitat." The founders of IWRC chose to preserve and protect through the support of wildlife rehabilitation.
Wildlife rehabilitation is the act of providing temporary care for injured, sick or orphaned wildlife with the goal of releasing them back into the wild. By providing unique insights into issues affecting wildlife populations, species and habitats, wildlife rehabilitation contributes to wildlife conservation and protection worldwide.
The National Wildlife Rehabilitator's Association
The National Wildlife Rehabilitator's Association (NWRA) is dedicated to improving and promoting the profession of wildlife rehabilitation and its contributions to preserving natural ecosystems.
What Do You Know About Wildlife Crossings?
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Animal Welfare Approved
Animal Welfare Approved (AWA) is a food label for meat and dairy products that come from farm animals raised to the highest animal welfare and environmental standards.
It is increasingly important for all American students to become sophisticated thinkers of science. The BioKIDS/DeepThink research group is engaged in educational research to improve science learning in high-poverty, urban, elementary and middle school classrooms, with particular focus on the Detroit Public Schools.
The UC Hopland Research & Extension Center
is a multi-disciplinary research and education facility in California’s north coast region. Celebrating our 60th anniversary during 2011, we are stewards of more than 5,300 acres of oak woodland, grassland, chaparral, and riparian environments.
Our mission is through science to find better ways to manage our natural resources and conduct sustainable agricultural practices, for the benefit of California’s citizens. Field experiments and demonstrations conducted here since 1951 have led to more than 1,400 publications in animal science, entomology, plant ecology, public health, watershed management, and wildlife biology.
Redwood Valley Outdoor Education Project
In the face of accelerating environmental change, and with a growing number of children spending much of their time indoors and “connected to” various electronic devices, it is becoming more and more important for children to have the opportunity to learn about their relationship to and their place in the natural world. Every year, hundreds of Ukiah Unified School District students participate in the Redwood Valley Outdoor Education Program and begin to build a better understanding of that essential connection.
WindStar Wildlife Institute is committed to providing you with new ways you can improve your own habitat to attract more birds and animals. Helpful features include: Being able to print any of our 37 pamphlets in the Tips For Improving Your Wildlife Habitat series, list of Best Native Plants For Wildlife in your state and more than 600 feature articles in our Knowledge Center
A Contribution from an elementary class studying conservation.
Check out their resource here.
"Outdoor Play: Learn About Conservation!"